Ingénieur d'études en traitement de données au CNRS depuis 2010.
Doctorat en informatique soutenu en avril 2017.
Membre du Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage
Researchgate profile
C++, python, R, Tcl
Avizo, Meshlab, CloudCompare, MeshMixer, QGIS, Paraview, ISE-MeshTools, Endex
Latex, Omnigraffle, InkScape
Alignement de données, carte de distances, édition de maillages
Présentation générale, recalage de courbes, atlas de courbes et de surfaces
Formation effectuée au département d'anatomie de Pretoria en 2017
- Visualisation et Segmentation avec 3D Slicer
- Traitement des landmarks avec ISE-Meshtool
- Analyses statistiques avec geomorp (R) et MorphoJ
Cours donné aux Master II BioSanté - Anthropobiologie, Génétique des Populations Humaines de 2012 à 2016
Introduction à l'imagerie
- Traitement d'images avec ImageJ
- Segmentation avec Avizo
- Etude de landmarks avec Avizo et R (Analyse Procrustes, Analyse en Composante Principale, Régressions)
- Segmentation de l'endocrane avec Endex
Analyse morphométrique 3D de structures anatomiques pour la paléoanthropologie, 2017, Université de Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, URL
L. Maréchal, J. Dumoncel, F. Santos, W. Astudillo Encina, A. Evteev, A. Prevost, V. Toro-Ibacache, R. G. Venter, Y. Heuzé. New insights into the variability of upper airway morphology in modern humans. Journal of Anatomy, 2023, 781–795.URL
C. de Bataille; D. Bernard; J. Dumoncel; F. Vaysse; S. Cussat-Blanc; N. Telmon; D. Maret; P. Monsarrat. Machine Learning Analysis of the Anatomical Parameters of the Upper Airway Morphology: A Retrospective Study from Cone-Beam CT Examinations in a French Population. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12(1), 84.URL
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, J. L. Heaton, T. R. Pickering, R. J. Clarke, K. J. Carlson, L. Bam, L. Van Hoorebeke, D. Stratford. Shape analysis of the StW 578 calotte from Jacovec Cavern, Gauteng (South Africa). South African Journal of Science, 118(3/4).URL
P. Clavel, J. Dumoncel, C. Der Sarkissian, A. Seguin-Orlando, L. Calvière-Tonasso, S. Schiavinato, L. Chauvey, A. Perdereau, J.-M. Aury, P. Wincker, V. Onar, B. Clavel, S. Lepetz, J. Braga, L. Orlando. Assessing the predictive taxonomic power of the bony labyrinth 3D shape in horses, donkeys and their F1-hybrids. Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 131, 2021, 105383, ISSN 0305-4403. URL
A. Urciuoli, C. Zanolli, S. Almécija, A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, N. Morimoto, M. Nakatsukasa, S. Moyà-Solà, D. R. Begun, D. M. Alba. Reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships of the late Miocene apes Hispanopithecus and Rudapithecus based on vestibular morphology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Feb 2021, 118 (5) e2015215118. URL
A. Galibourg, S. Cussat-Blanc, J. Dumoncel, N. Telmon, P. Monsarrat and D. Maret. Comparison of different machine learning approaches to predict dental age using Demirjian’s staging approach. Int J Legal Med (2021). URL
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, S. Durrleman, A. Bertrand, E. de Jager, A. C. Oettlé, Z. Lockhat, F. E. Suleman, A. Beaudet. Are endocasts reliable proxies for brains? A 3D quantitative comparison of the extant human brain and endocast. J. Anat. 2020; 00: 1– 9. URL
A. Galibourg, J. Dumoncel, J. Cormary and D.Maret. Volume of unsupported peri-implant soft tissue over time: A cross-sectional observation study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2020, ISSN 0022-3913.URL
L. Pan, J. Dumoncel, A. Mazurier, C. Zanolli. Hominin diversity in East Asia during the Middle Pleistocene: A premolar endostructural perspective. Journal of Human Evolution, 148, 2020, 102888, URL
N. M. Ngoloyi, J. Dumoncel, J. F. Thackeray, J. Braga. A new method to evaluate 3D spatial patterns within early hominin-bearing sites. An example from Kromdraai (Gauteng Province, South Africa). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 32, 2020, 102376, URL
A. Urciuoli, C. Zanolli, A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, F. Santos, S. Moyà-Solà & D. M. Alba. 2020. The evolution of the vestibular apparatus in apes and humans. eLife, 9, 685–33. URL
L. Genochio, A. Mazurier, J. Dumoncel, C. E.G. Theye, C. Zanolli. Inner structural organization of the mandibular corpus in the late Early Pleistocene human specimens Tighenif 1 and Tighenif 2. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2019, ISSN 1631-0683, URL
L. Pan, J. Dumoncel, A. Mazurier, C. Zanolli. 2019. Structural analysis of premolar roots in Middle Pleistocene hominins from China. Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 136. URL
M. Cazenave, J. Braga, A. Oettlé, T. R. Pickering, J. L. Heaton, M. Nakatsukasa, J. F. Thackeray, F. de Beer, J. Hoffman, J. Dumoncel, R. Macchiarelli. Cortical bone distribution in the femoral neck of Paranthropus robustus. Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 135, 2019, 102666, ISSN 0047-2484. URL
C. Zanolli, O. Kullmer, J. Kelley, A.-M. Bacon, F.Demeter, J. Dumoncel, L. Fiorenza, F. E. Grine, J.-J. Hublin, A. T.Nguyen, T. M. H.Nguyen, L. Pan, B. Schillinger, F. Schrenk, M. Skinner, X. Ji, R. Macchiarelli (2019). Evidence for increased hominid diversity in the Early to Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(5), 755–764. URL
J. Braga, C. Samir, L. Risser, J. Dumoncel, D. Descouens, J. F. Thackeray, P. Balaresque, A. Oettlé, J.-M. Loubes, A. Fradi. Cochlear shape reveals that the human organ of hearing is sex-typed from birth. Sci Rep 9, 10889 (2019). URL
J. Braga, V. Zimmer, J. Dumoncel, C. Samir, F. de Beer, C. Zanolli, D. Pinto, F. J. Rohlf, F. E. Grine. Efficacy of diffeomorphic surface matching and 3D geometric morphometrics for taxonomic discrimination of Early Pleistocene hominin mandibular molars. Journal of Human Evolution. Volume 130. 2019. Pages 21-35. ISSN 0047-2484. URL
J. F. Thackeray, J. Dumoncel, D. Gommery, L. Kgasi, G. Tawane, F. de Beer, J. Hoffman, L. Bam. Morphometric comparison of semicircular canals of Parapapio broomi and P. jonesi from Sterkfontein, South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 2019. URL
D. Carayon, K. Adhikari, P. Monsarrat, J. Dumoncel, J. Braga, B. Duployer, M. Delgado, M. Fuentes‐Guajardo, F. de Beer, J. W. Hoffman, A. C. Oettlé, R. Donat, L. Pan, A. Ruiz‐Linares, C. Tenailleau, F. Vaysse, R. Esclassan, C. Zanolli. A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel‐shaped incisors. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2018;1–13. URL
C. Zanolli, L. Pan, J. Dumoncel, O. Kullmer, M. Kundrát, W. Liu, R. Macchiarelli, L. Mancini, F. Schrenk, C. Tuniz. Inner tooth morphology of Homo erectus from Zhoukoudian. New evidence from an old collection housed at Uppsala University. Sweden, Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 116, March 2018, Pages 1-13, ISSN 0047-2484, URL
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, F. de Beer, S. Durrleman, E. Gilissen, A. Oettlé, S. Subsol, J. F. Thackeray, J. Braga. The endocranial shape of Australopithecus africanus: surface analysis of the endocasts of Sts 5 and Sts 60. J. Anat. 2017. URL
A. Galibourg, J. Dumoncel, N. Telmon, A. Calvet, J. Michetti, D. Maret. Assessment of automatic segmentation of teeth using a watershed-based method. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2017, URL
F. Demeter, L. Shackelford, K. Westaway, L. Barnes, P. Duringer, J.-L. Ponche, J. Dumoncel, F. Sénégas, T. Sayavongkhamdy, J.-X. Zhao, P. Sichanthongtip, E. Patole-Edoumba, T. Dunn, A. Zachwieja, Y. Coppens, E. Willerslev, and A.-M. Bacon, Early Modern Humans from Tam Pà Ling, Laos: Fossil Review and Perspectives. Current Anthropology, 2017, 58:S17, S527-S538. URL
J. Braga, P. Bouvier, J. Romeyer Dherbey, P. Balaresque, L. Risser, J.-M. Loubes, J. Dumoncel, B. Duployer, C. Tenailleau. Echoes from the past: New insights into the early hominin cochlea from a phylo-morphometric approach. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2017, ISSN 1631-0683, URL
L. Pan, J. F. Thackeray, J. Dumoncel, C. Zanolli, A. Oettlé, F. de Beer, H. Hoffman, B. Duployer, C. Tenailleau, J. Braga, Intra-individual metameric variation expressed at the enamel-dentine junction of lower post-canine dentition of South African fossil hominins and modern humans. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2017;163:806–815. URL
J. Braga, J. F. Thackeray, L. Bruxelles, J. Dumoncel, J.-B. Fourvel. Stretching the time span of hominin evolution at Kromdraai (Gauteng, South Africa): Recent discoveries. Comptes Rendus Palevol, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 58-70. URL
L. Shackelford, F. Demeter, K. Westaway, P. Duringer, J.-L. Ponche, T. Sayavongkhamdy, J.-X. Zhao, L. Barnes, M. Boyon, P. Sichanthongtip, F. Sénégas, E. Patole-Edoumba, Y. Coppens, J. Dumoncel, A.-M. Bacon. Additional evidence for early modern human morphological diversity in Southeast Asia at Tam Pa Ling, Laos. Quaternary International, 2017, ISSN 1040-6182, URL
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, F. de Beer, B. Duployer, S. Durrleman, E. Gilissen, J. Hoffman, C. Tenailleau, J. F. Thackeray, J. Braga. Morphoarchitectural variation in South African fossil cercopithecoid endocasts. Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 101, 2016, Pages 65-78, ISSN 0047-2484, URL
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, J. F. Thackeray, L. Bruxelles, B. Duployer, C. Tenailleau, L. Bam, J. Hoffman, F. de Beer, J. Braga. Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids. Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 95, 2016, Pages 104-120, ISSN 0047-2484, URL
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, S. Durrleman, J. P. Jessel, A. Beaudet and J. Braga. How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably Incomplete? Application to Fossil Data. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Las Vegas, NV, 2016, pp. 541-548. URL
L. Pan, J. Dumoncel, F. de Beer, J. Hoffman, J. F. Thackeray, B. Duployer, C. Tenailleau, J. Braga. Further morphological evidence on South African earliest lower postcanine dentition: Enamel thickness and enamel dentine junction. Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 96, 2016, Pages 82-96, ISSN 0047-2484. URL
J. Braga, J.-M. Loubes, D. Descouens, J. Dumoncel, J.-F. Thackeray, J-L. Kahn, F. de Beer, A. Riberon, K. Hoffman, P. Balaresque, E. Gilissen. (2015) Disproportionate Cochlear Length in Genus Homo Shows a High Phylogenetic Signal during Apes’ Hearing Evolution. PLOS ONE 10(6): e0127780. URL
D. Carayon, F. Vaysse, P. Tramini, J. Dumoncel, R. Esclassan. The age-related maturational pattern of the human subarcuate fossa (petromastoid canal). Preliminary results from the application of a new three-dimensional analytical approach. Comptes Rendus Palevol, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 139-145, ISSN 1631-0683, URL
M. El Khoury, J. Braga, J. Dumoncel, J. Nancy, R. Esclassan, F. Vaysse. (2014) The Human Semicircular Canals Orientation Is More Similar to the Bonobos than to the Chimpanzees. PLOS ONE 9(4): e93824. URL
D. Maret, OA. Peters, A. Galibourg, J. Dumoncel, R. Esclassan, JL. Kahn, M. Sixou, N. Telmon. Comparison of the accuracy of 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography and micro-computed tomography reconstructions by using different voxel sizes. J Endod. 2014 Sep;40(9):1321-6. URL
J. Braga, J. F. Thackeray, J. Dumoncel, D. Descouens, L. Bruxelles, J.-M. Loubes, J.-L. Kahn, M. Stampanoni, L. Bam, J. Hoffman, F. de Beer, F. Spoor. A new partial temporal bone of a juvenile hominin from the site of Kromdraai B (South Africa). Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 65, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 447-456, ISSN 0047-2484, URL
W. Yan-Vergnes, J.-N. Vergnes, J. Dumoncel, P. Baron, C. Marchal-Sixou, J. Braga. Asynchronous dentofacial development and dental crowding: a cross-sectional study in a contemporary sample of children in France. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2013;32(1):22. URL
J. Dumoncel, M. Campedel, H. Maitre, A. Baillard, E. Bertin, V. de Lapparent, Y. Mellier, P. Fouqué, J.-F. Le Borgne, R. Pelló, D. Makarov, L. Makarova, P. Prugniel, S. Arnouts. An Automatic Method to Determine the Degree of Flocculence of a Galaxy. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XVII, 2007, 394, 497. URL
J. Dumoncel, A. Beaudet, J. Braga, & J.-P. Jessel. Le cerveau caché. Dans : Gex J.-P. (Ed.) Voir l’invisible : Comprendre – Agir. Tome 2. Puits Fleuris, Saint-Just-La-Pendue, p. 16-17, 2019. URL
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, J. Braga & J.-P. Jessel. Visite virtuelle du berceau de l'humanité. Dans : Gex J.-P. (Ed.) Voir l’invisible : Comprendre – Agir. Tome 2. Puits Fleuris, Saint-Just-La-Pendue, p. 16-17, 2019. URL
J. Braga, J. Dumoncel, B. Duployer, C. Tenailleau, F. de Beer, J. F. Thackeray. The Kromdraai hominins revisited with an updated portrayal of differences between Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. In: Kromdraai, a Birthplace of Paranthropus in the Cradle of Humankind. Ed. by J. Braga and J. F. Thackeray, 2016. URL
J. Dumoncel, B. Lans, J. Braga, G. Subsol, J.-P. Jessel, F. Thackeray, B. Moreno, N. Plate, F. de Beer, and N. Ngoloyi. A computer-guided 3D multiscale reconstruction of the Kromdraai site. In: Kromdraai, a Birthplace of Paranthropus in the Cradle of Humankind. Ed. by J. Braga and J. F. Thackeray, 2016. URL
J. Dumoncel, J.P. Meyer, J. Braga, N. Briers. Automated landmark detection for face shape analysis in a South African juvenile sample. 48th Anatomical Society of Southern Africa Conference (ASSA), Durban, South Africa, poster (cancelled).
J. Dumoncel, A. Beaudet, N. Briers, E. de Jager, S. Jagesur, Z. Lockhat, P. Meyer, A. Oettlé, F. E Suleman. Academic collaborations in morphometry between French and South African Universities. In: first French-South African Science and Innovation days, Pretoria, 2019, poster.
J. Dumoncel, J. Braga, E. Courcelle, N. Renon. Comparaison de structures anatomiques et calculs intensifs en paléoanthropologie. In: Journées Calcul Données (JCAD), 2019, Toulouse, présentation podium. Vidéo
A. Urciuoli, C. Zanolli, D. Begun, S. Almécija, J. Dumoncel, S. Moyà-Solà and D. M. Alba. A deformation-based geometric morphometric analysis of the vestibular apparatus in the Miocene apes Hispanopithecus laietanus and Rudapithecus hungaricus. In: 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), 2019, Cleveland, présentation podium.
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, S. Durrleman, A. Oettlé, Z. Lockhat, F. E. Suleman, E. De Jager, A. Beaudet, 2018. A quantitative comparison of the brain and the inner surface of the cranium. 10th Symposium national de Morphométrie et Evolution des Formes, Bordeaux, France.
J. Dumoncel. Les contraintes en paléoanthropologie : comment établir des modèles statistiques ? In: Journée thématique « Statistique sous contraintes », 2018, Paris, podium presentation.
Zanolli C, Pan L, Skinner M.M, Dumoncel J, Beaudet A, de Beer F, Hoffman J, Jakata K, Macchiarelli R, Reddy S, Tawane S, Zipfel B. What is South African early Homo? New insights from the molar endostructural signature. 8th Meeting of the European Society for Human Evolution [Research Seminar & Conference Proceedings]. September 13th-15th 2018, Faro, Portugal.
J. Dumoncel, J. Braga. Introducing innovative methods of morphometric analysis using X-ray imaging techniques. In: 3rd annual Imaging with Radiation Conference (Imgrad2017), 2017, Johannesburg, podium presentation.
J. Dumoncel. Analyses quantitatives de formes appliquées à la paléoanthropologie. In: Rencontres Scientifiques des Utilisateurs de Calcul intensif, de Cloud et de Stockage (jourénes SUCCES),2016, Paris, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, L. Bam, S. Durrleman, E. Gilissen, J. Hoffman, A. Oettlé, J.F. Thackeray, J. Braga. Reconstructing early hominin brain evolution from South African Australopithecus endocasts. In: 85th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), 2016, Atlanta, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, F. de Beer, S. Durrleman, E. Gilissen, A. Oettlé, G. Subsol, J.F. Thackeray, J. Braga. Early hominin brain evolution: extracting paleoneurological evidence from the fossil record. In: 19th Biennial Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa, 2016, Stellenbosch, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, F. De Beer, S. Durrleman, E. Gillissen, J. Hoffman, A. Oettlé, G. Subsol, J.F. Thackeray, J. Braga. Morphoarchitectural variation in the extant human endocast. In: 6 th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), 2016, Madrid, poster presentation.
C. Zanolli, M. Cantaloube, P. Bayle, L. Bondioli, J. Dumoncel, S. Durrleman, J.-P. Jessel, G. Subsol, R. Macchiarelli. Innovative approaches to quantify and statistically compare tooth enamel thickness distribution. In: 6 th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), 2016, Marid, poster presentation.
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, S. Durrleman, J. P. Jessel, A. Beaudet J. Braga, How to Build an Average Model When Samples are Variably Incomplete? Application to Fossil Data. 7th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, 2016, Las Vegas, podium presentation
J. Dumoncel. Présentation du logiciel Deformetrica. In: Journée Traitement d'images avec des logiciels libres, 2016, Toulouse, podium presentation.
C. Zanolli, J. Dumoncel, O. Kullmer, M. Kundrát, R. Macchiarelli, L. Pan, C. Tuniz. A reassessment of Asian H. erectus dental variability. In: Conference years of Homo erectus Dmanisi and beyond. Georgian National Museum Tbilisi, 2016, Tbilisi, podium presentation.
J. Dumoncel, G. Subsol, S. Durrleman, J. Braga, A. Beaudet, C. Zanolli, S. Mouysset, J.-P. Jessel. Comment caractériser la variabilité d’une surface 3D? Analyse à partir d’exemples en anatomie comparée. In: 20ème Édition des Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique, 2015, Poitiers, podium presentation.
J. Dumoncel. Traitement de maillages surfaciques avec Meshlab. In: Journée Traitement d'images avec des logiciels libres, 2015, Paris, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, L. Bruxelles, R. Macchiarelli, J. Dumoncel, J.F. Thackeray, L. Bam, J. Hoffman, F. De Beer, J. Braga. Full sequence dating of South African early hominins units based on new cercopithecoid chronological markers. In: 83th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), 2014, Calgary, poster presentation.
J. Dumoncel, S. Durrleman, J. Braga, J.-P. Jessel, G. Subsol. Landmark-free 3D method for comparison of fossil hominins and hominids based on endocranium and EDJ shapes. In: 83th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), 2014, Calgary, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, L. Bruxelles, R. Macchiarelli, J. Dumoncel, J.F. Thackeray, F. De Beer, J. Braga. Time-related changes in fossil cercopithecoid inner craniodental structures and chronological seriation of South African hominin-bearing sites. In: 4 th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), 2014, Florence, podium presentation.
A. Beaudet, L. Bruxelles, R. Macchiarelli, J. Dumoncel, J.F. Thackeray, F. De Beer, J. Braga. The cave deposits of Swartkrans and Kromdraai, South Africa: time- related craniodental morphostructural variation in cercopithecoid taxa and the emergence of Homo. In: The African Human Fossil Record, 2014, Toulouse, poster presentation.
A. Beaudet, J. Dumoncel, J.F. Thackeray, S. Durrleman, G. Subsol, J.-P. Jessel, J. Braga. Identification of Homo-like Features in Virtually Rendered South African Australopiths Endocasts. In: The African Human Fossil Record, 2014, Toulouse, poster presentation.
Prima, S., G. Subsol, J. Braga, J. F. Garamendi Bragad, B. Combès, J. Dumoncel, D. Falk. Comparison of endocranial and ectocranial "symmetry planes" and application to the virtual reconstruction of hominid fossils. In: 82nd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), 2013, Knoxville, podium presentation.
S. Prima, G. Subsol, J. Braga, J. Garamendi, B. Combès, J. Dumoncel, D. Falk. Reconstruction numérique de l'endocrâne de l'enfant de Taung. Colloque annuel de la société d'anthropologie de Paris 1838e Réunion scientifique, 2013, Paris, podium presentation.
C. Zanolli, A.-M. Bacon, L. Bondioli, J. Braga, F. Demeter, J. Dumoncel, C. Tuniz, V. Volpato, and R. Macchiarelli. Hominid paleobiodiversity at Java during the Early-Middle Pleistocene. New insights from the inner tooth structural morphology. In: 3 rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE), 2013, Vienne, podium presentation.
M. Guéguen, L. Signor, J. Dumoncel, P. Villechaise. Simulations 3D d’agrégats polycristallins reconstruits par approche type CAO. CSMA 10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2011, Giens, Poster presentation.
J. Dumoncel, M. Campedel, H. Maitre, A. Baillard, E. Bertin, V. de Lapparent, Y. Mellier, P. Fouqué, J.-F. Le Borgne, R. Pelló, D. Makarov, L. Makarova, P. Prugniel, S. Arnouts. An Automatic Method to Determine the Degree of Flocculence of a Galaxy. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XVII, 2007, Londres, poster presentation.